Monday, February 8, 2010

Confessions of a Blog-Neglector

I'm embarrassed to admit that it has been nearly four months since my last post. This is the way things roll when I'm working on a new book, or in this case, TWO. My thoughts and composition energy get so wrapped up in crafting a first or second draft that it feels like I've been tapped dry when I sit down to blog.

Don't worry - I have a plan. (Whenever someone says they have a plan, you SHOULD worry!)

For the past few years, I've been writing "Morning Pages" thanks to my friend Anne and author Julia Cameron. These are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness style writing thought to help creative types achieve better focus. My plan is to scale back my morning pages to two per day instead of three, saving some of that writing juice to share a bit of this and that here at my blog.

I can't promise that I'll be providing something of value to all, but I do promise to keep you updated on current investigations, teasers of sites visited for inclusion in the current book project, and odds and ends that I hope will help amateur historians and paranormal explorers alike.

Also, the blog will get a new, improved look and organization. My goal is to make the "useful" posts easier to find and maybe even attract a few new readers!

Thanks for sticking around despite my neglect <3

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