Sunday, January 30, 2011

Got Spring Fever? Here Are Some Events to Warm Up With!

Cocoon on the pokok Hempedu Bumi (Andrographis...Image via WikipediaWhile I've been in a spiritual cocoon for the past few months, the world has still been turning. I'll be back out and about in just a few weeks and hope to see some of you at one of these upcoming events:

  • March 12, 2011 - Women in History (lecture), Ashland Coffee and Tea (Ashland, Virginia) from 1 - 3 PM
  • April 1-2, 2011 - Virginia ParaQuest (Conference), Holiday Inn Downtown (Lynchburg, Virginia) All Day
Keep an eye out, more events are being finalized now and will be posted soon!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Truth or Old Wives' Tale? Your Opinions, Please!

Voodoo FactoryImage by Pixteca MX
There is an old hoodoo (or Voodoo, if you prefer) saying that claims after you see a spirit once, you will see them all the time. Part of me wonders if this philosophy grew from the voodoo queens and witch doctors "polishing up" the prize for their students in order to keep them from giving up on charms and rootwork that could take days or weeks to perform. Another part of me wonders if there is any truth to those words.

I think I'm pretty close to coming to my own conclusion about this belief, but I'm wondering what you readers feel about this? Please, comment and share!
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Minimalist State of Mind for 2011

Calendar Card - JanuaryImage by Joe Lanman via Flickr
With so many new endeavors in my life lately, it's been very easy to get overwhelmed. This year, I've decided to pare down on all the things that have been eating up my time, my space, and my peace of mind. I came across this quote the other day and I think it sums up my state of mind for the coming months perfectly:  

“The happiness of too many days is often destroyed by trying to accomplish too much in one day. We would do well to follow a common rule for our daily lives – do less, but do it better.” - Dale E. Turner
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