Sunday, July 27, 2008

The things that go bump in the night... or the morning.

I've noticed that over the past few weeks, peculiar things happen when I sit down to write. No, not writers' block or anything like that, but unusual things in a supernatural sense. My house is no stranger to paranormal activity, but it has never before shown any "predictable" pattern or connection.

I've been compiling data for the Plantations Project for months now and the topic has been on my mind nearly every waking moment. When I made the transition from data collecting and organizing to writing, things took a turn for the strange. I heard tinkling sounds from the glasses in my dining room china cabinet late Tuesday evening while I was writing in the kitchen. The cats, who normally love to hang out in the dining room, were visibly upset and hurried out. I went to inspect the situation and found nothing out of sorts.

I was plugging along early yesterday morning (again in the kitchen) when one of the cabinets behind me made a sound. I turned just in time to see the door pop open about an inch. This wasn't the first time the cabinets had been opened by unseen hands, just the first time I'd been in the room when it happened.

Just moments ago, while I was writing away, an eerie chill crept up my neck seconds before the power blinked out. I know - they're probably just things I've noticed while my mind is focused on something else - but it's still unsettling!


Rima Staines said...

Hello Beth, I came here as you are the only other blogger with gypsy caravans as an interest :)
Pleased to meet you// what an interesting place you have here.
All best wishes from Scotland

Beth Brown said...

Wow, only two of us interested in Gypsy caravans? The rest of the world is surely missing out.

I'm happy you stopped by, Rima, and best wishes from Virginia!

Patty said...

Hi Beth, I am wondering if something has followed you home from one of your investigations. Have you had strange things happen in your home before you went on them?
Just a thought. Also I am wondering what you found out at Berkley, I would love to hear more on that report we talked about in email a few weeks back. Write me sometime if you have a few minutes
pattyceran at cox. net
or stop by my blog

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Blessed be.

Wow. Terrific post. Thanks for sharing.

Ok, here's some 'supernatural' activity for you--

#1-My husband was in bed taking a nap one day while I was at work. He 'felt' someone sit down on the side of the bed--but there was no one there and he could 'see' the dent where a body would be sitting--if there had been someone there.

#2-I began working the late shift at a waitressing job while my husband did security at his late shift job. We both had to be at work by 10pm. We turned off all the lights (and I am an 'energy consevationist0 and I unplugged all thhe appliances and tv. I got home before Tommy--the tv was TURNED ON--but still 'unplugged'.

#3-I fell asleep watching tv on the couch one night, and around 2:30am, I heard foot steps in the kitchen. I opened my eyes, and an older man was standing over me smiling. He walked away and sat down in the easy chair and sighed. I got up and walked to the chair--he was gone.

#4-I went outside to check the mail one afternoon and as I looked up over my house, there was a5-pointed star in the sky. I took pictures of it. (Soon as I can get it scanned I will post it).

Anyway, the 'ghost' in our house we call him 'George'. He seems peaceful enough. Not scary at all.

Beth Brown said...

For Patty - We have some pretty solid evidence that there is more than one spirit dropping in on us here.

There's at least one family member around (my 2-year old son described the person he saw and told us his name - a relative that passed six years before my son was born) but we think most of the opening and closing of things is due to the previous occupant of the house.

For Hecate - Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm a firm believer that word gets around on the "other side" that you're paying attention. It seems the more you notice, the more things will happen!