Monday, December 15, 2008

Add this book to your Christmas list RIGHT NOW!

First, in all honesty, I did not buy my copy of Michael Teitelbaum's The Scary States of America - I won it in a radio contest. I'm sure I've more than made up for it because, after reading it, I ordered a dozen copies to give to friends this holiday season.

Teitelbaum is such a fantastic storyteller that it's easy to forget that you're reading "weird and terrifying stories based on true events." Each encounter is ripe with action, suspense, and that certain "something" that gives a spooky tale its lasting ring. He's also kept the topics lively by mixing tried and true ghost stories with UFO sightings, tales of voodoo, a run-in with Bigfoot, and even a zombie for good measure.

My daughter, only 8-years old, couldn't put it down and read it from cover to cover in three days! All of her friends have been begging to borrow the book or, at least, get her to retell one of Teitelbaum's chillers with the author's same flair. Looking for a great gift for a finicky tween or teen? This is it.

The Scary States of America not only leaves you checking your closet for ghosts before bedtime, it also leaves some cash in your wallet. Teitelbaum has packed his thrifty collection with 50 stories, one from each state, so it's a bargain at only $7.99!



Anonymous said...

Hi Beth
Thanks for the book review. I will be sure and look for this one.
By the way. I finally gave in and bought your book. Kept missing you at your book signings and wanted to let you know YOURS is awesome..Stop by my blog for a look at the post on the image I captured in Gettysburg if you have time
Best wishes for a happy holiday.

Beth Brown said...


I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed the battlefields book! I'm sure we'll cross paths eventually... maybe when I get down in your neck of the woods to help out Endview when the plantation book is out.

Beth Brown said...

Maybe if you have a minute or two, you could provide a review on Amazon? That would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,

I just wanted to thank you so much for your kind words about my book. They are greatly appreciated. And thanks for posting them on Amazon! And I so pleased that your daughter enjoyed the book too.

You may have heard me read one of the stories on Shadowtalk, complete with creepy music. I have posted that one and another on YouTube. Just search "Scary States" on YouTube and you'll find them. Your daughter and her friends might enjoy those as well.

And you (and they) can check out my blog: which is written in the voice of Jason Specter, the host of Scary States. Many readers have sent in tales of their own encounters with the paranormal.

Thanks again, and have a great holiday and a Happy (and scary) New Year!


Michael Teitelbaum

Beth Brown said...

Michael -

I wanted to say thanks for sending the book so quickly and let you know how much we've enjoyed it. I figured the best way would be to spread the word about what a great collection of stories you've put together - here and on Amazon!

Also, thanks for the tip on the video. My daughter will be THRILLED with the news when she gets in from school. ;)


Geordannah said...

The books sound great! I'll be sure to look for both!