Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Keeping in Touch

Long time, no see! I have been busy with lots of white-glove research for Wicked Richmond, which seems to be the project that never ends. Each time I delve into a juicy story or scandal from the city's past, another seems to crop up. Now I'm left with the difficult job of sorting which are the cream of the crop and are worthy of making it into the final cut of the manuscript. I'm certainly not complaining!

Old manuscript in Chinguetti library (Mauritania)

I never thought when I took on this book that so many things would slow me down, most certainly not the death of someone close to me. I feel that in wrapping up this eighteen months of work, maybe a bit more, that I'm closing a sad chapter of my life. My hope is that the eventual publication of the words I've amassed during that time will rise up and thrive, like some sort of literary Phoenix from the ashes.

Rest assured, I am NOT becoming a recluse or a hermit with only my research as company! I'm back in action and ready to tackle the next project. First on my list? Twenty-two more (that's right - in addition to the dozens already conducted) paranormal field investigations for the current ghost books in the works. This is going to be my BIGGEST and BEST book on Virginia haunts yet - stay tuned for developments!

Take care,

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