Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Strange Journey of Spiritual Discovery

I don't know about you, but this year has certainly been a memorable one for me! Aside from being incredibly busy with writing and painting (one new book and two complete series of paintings to show for it, too) I have had more than a handful of life-changing moments in 2010 that have left me winded.

What started as a year of routine research and exploration turned into the beginning of a spiritual journey that a I never expected to stumble upon. I had an up-close and personal paranormal encounter that shook my belief system to its core. For weeks, my nerves were raw and my psyche strained to its limits. When I finally processed what I'd been through, I realized that it was just the wake-up call I needed. I was reminded, in a not so subtle way, of what it was that I had been searching for regarding "the other side."

It wasn't the excitement of the paranormal investigations themselves that led me to the field more than twenty years ago. It wasn't the "evidence" or the "proof" I hoped to catch. It was needing to know what happened to all the people I knew and loved after they took their last breath. Ghost-hunting at various historic locations, private homes, and the like was fascinating, but this recent encounter showed me that those avenues of exploring the paranormal were not helping me achieve the closure I needed.

So, what did I do? I gave up all the field investigations to study a new form of spirit communication, the only one so far that has proven to me that there is something truly piercing the veil. Essentially, I have started over. I've wiped my mind clean of everything I thought I knew about the spirit world and I'm looking at it all again for the first time. My focus has sharpened and my priorities are realigned.

What does this mean for you as a friend or a fan? You may see and hear less of me for a while (for a start, I will no longer be appearing on internet radio) but this is only temporary. Precious time is being spent now concentrating on all of the new things I'm learning so that I can share them with you in the near future. Yes, there is a new book in the works, as well as a major new project chronicling this strange journey of spiritual discovery. Because of this, I am traveling more than I ever have before (five new states this past year!) and will continue that pattern during 2011.

I will be appearing at several conferences next year, but that number will be significantly lower than in years past because of new projects.  Rest assured that I am still reachable! If you would like to contact me, you are always welcome to comment here at the Paranormal Paradigm.

I hope to have updates for you as they develop!


ghostrawk said...

I see this, becoming a new series of blogs already.

Love you so much Beth! It would seem that, you, my friend, have been chosen. :)

We are all behind you.

- Brian

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your new path, Beth. Remember- what we learn along the path is usually just as important as what we discover at the end of the journey. As usual- I always look forward to a new book from you.
Best Wishes always-
Brenda Seward

Michael said...

Ok, it will be interesting to read what you have to say when you do come back here. Wishing you a happy new year. It certainly sounds like it will be eventful in other ways.

Beth Brown said...

Thanks, all. I plan on using the blog to record the steps in my "progression" or whatever this should be called. You'll likely end up hearing MORE from me on this blog than you did before!