Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Season is About to Begin - Again

What season is that? Battlefield Investigating season! The arrival of March begins eight months of interviewing witnesses, visiting historic sites, and (of course) trying to capture some sort of indicator of paranormal activity.

The first wave will take me to Southwestern Virginia:

Cloyd's Mountain
Cove Mountain

The beautiful view from Cove Mountain, Virginia.

The next wave will take me to Northwestern Virginia:

Cool Spring
Rutherfords Farm
a return to Cedar Creek
Fishers Hill
Toms Brook
New Market
Trevilian Station
Port Republic
Cedar Mountain

The second leg of investigations will likely take weeks, but I'm looking forward to it more than when I was researching Haunted Battlefields: Virginia's Civil War Ghosts. All of the sites I included in that book are fairly well-traveled by tourists - these new sites are truly off the beaten path. To me, that means fertile ground for paranormal energy!

For this collection of investigations, only the BEST 13 will make the final cut. What that final cut will be for, I've not yet decided. I'm toying with the idea of creating a DVD or two that documents the history and my findings instead of another book on the topic.

I'd love to hear feedback from readers on this idea! Please leave a comment with your opinion - DVD or book?


1 comment:

Patty said...

Can I vote for both..Each is unique in its own way. I like a DVD if you can show enough of the "ghosty" stuff to keep someones interest for the length of the film. If not it just becomes a boring history lesson. A book on the other hand gives not only details, but usually has some sort of facts that can be refered back to by just the flip of a page. Also a book can be carried along when one is investigating for themselves. This can be helpful if your going to visit more than one place in a day or within couple of days. I know I like to either have a book or write down the history of the area that I am visiting so I remember what happened there.
The DVD adds excitment, the book adds facts..Does this make sense..Anyway that is just an opinion..I am sure we will love what ever you decide to do..It sounds like fun